Be The Church



If my church is closed because of the pandemic what can I do? I can Be The Church! Each one of us is a living cell of the spiritual body of Christ. Christ is alive, and His Church is alive today. Don’t allow the virus or panic or fear to infect your spiritual cells. Let the blood of Jesus continue to circulate through your “sanctuary”, let the fresh Spirit breath the words of love and care through your “spiritual lungs”, let the living Word of God fill your lips with words of grace and your social media with the messages of hope, let the power of Christ strengthen your spiritual muscles in serving your community. While a virus may destroy the church, God builds up His sanctuary. Be the sanctuary in your home or your community.


Last Sabbath morning hundreds of our church members participated in the digital worship service. During the sermon I asked those who were watching to send me a text message. My phone was flooded right away with messages from many watching individually or together as families. That was really encouraging! Please keep sending your messages tomorrow. It helps me feel connected with all of you. It assures me of our spiritual spiritual unity. I was grateful to Larry and the choir for the excellent service in music and songs. Connie shared a perfect children’s story which helped our children get the sermon message in a simple way and with a beautiful illustration. Below are a couple of photos I received last Sabbath. Don’t forget to share your photos tomorrow, please 🙂


Church library. This morning while at church, I met Noah Banks, Moriah, and Noah’s mom, Joan Banks, sorting books for our church library. We prayed together asking God to bless this new initiative. Here is what Noah asked me to share with the church:  “Hey church family, we wanted to let you know that your church library is quickly growing with many wonderful books donated by fellow church members. Once the church is open we hope to have the church library ready for check out after we get our system in place. We want to personally thank our contributors for their donations and would like to ask if you have any books for donation please let us know so that we can get them and share them with our Ooltewah church family. We are looking for all kinds of books from marriage, family, men’s/ worms ministries, stories, study helpers, and all kinds of genres to give our library some diversity. We please ask that you look at the books and think if it is a kind of book that our church should carry and pending approval we can put it into the library. If you need more info please contact Noah Banks at (423) 599-3656 or Moriah Shadley at (256) 794-5492.”


SMALL GROUPS MINISTRY. Like never before, small groups ministry becomes crucially important in keeping our church alive and keeping it together. Here is a message sent by Lucas Patterson to the group leaders:

“You’re likely NOT meeting in your homes, but that doesn’t mean small groups have to stop. I see pictures of church members hiking with 8 or 9 other church members, so clearly some folks are still willing to gather and are prioritizing time with their friends. And speaking of nature, Pastor Kulakov has offered to let small groups meet outside at the church if you want. We can set up some folding tables in the grass and you can spread out to a safe distance. No offense to our church’s location—it’s relatively serene—but if you’re willing to meet outside I can probably think of more attractive locations (parks, etc). Either way, give it some thought.  What about the possibility of online studies using a Facebook group or videochat function? I’m no expert in either of those options, but have been doing group videochats with co-workers all week and I’m happy to help set you up to lead in this way should you want.

Please shoot me a reply and let me know the status of things with your small group. I encourage you, as the group leader, to be intentional about staying in touch with your group in the best way possible—whether that means meeting in person, online, or making regular phone calls to each participant (and encouraging them to do the same).”

Let me encourage our church members to build a beehive of  “small groups”. You can meet online or on the phone. Today is the day to act.

MEN’S MINISTRY is here for you.  Please read Edymar’s message: “Men, I hope this email finds you and your loved ones doing well. I wanted to reach out to see if you or anyone you know (church member or not) needs assistants in the following ways:

  • Money for food?
  • Food?
  • Money for fixed expenses like a power bill, water bill, insurance bill, cell phone bill, etc?
  • Money for medicine?
  • Pickup and delivery of goods?
  • Someone to talk to and pray with?
  • Toys or games for kids?
  • Toilet paper and sanitizing products?
  • Repairs around the home?
  • Vehicle repairs?
Please know that I do take the current situation seriously and if we are called for assistance, we will use every precaution the CDC has recommended to prevent the spread of this virus. With that being said, I also want our brothers and sisters to know that God loves them, and that in times like this the church is still united and here for them. Even when the doors to the church building have been shut.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the lord your God will be with you wherever you go.  Joshua 1:9″


Almost every day I am receiving phone calls from our church members offering help to deliver Sabbath school study guides, groceries, or any other needed supplies to our sick or elderly members. What a caring church we have!!! If you need help, please, do not hesitate to contact your elder, me, or Pastor Matthew. We are here to help.


This Sabbath, March 28, our live stream worship service will start at 9 am. We’ll have a children’s story and a song service. To watch the worship service go to and right there on the home page, click on the “ON AIR” blue box. If you go directly to YouTube, search for the Ooltewah Adventist Church channel.

Sabbath school study will start at around 10:20. If you do not stop the live stream after the worship service you’ll smoothly join the Sabbath school discussion.

Tithe and offerings is a sacred part of our worship service. You can easily participate by going to the church website and clicking on the ONLINE GIVING link. Your tithe automatically goes to the Conference account. Your support of the local church budget allows our church to continue its operation even at this dramatic time in the history of this world. Your local giving supports our ministries, church daily operations, utilities, and of course, over 60% of our local church budget goes to support our school and students attending Adventist academies. God bless bless for your generous and faithful support of our church and school.

If you prefer to write a check or donate cash you can always request a tithe envelope from the church office. Please call or text me and our office will deliver tithe envelopes to your front door.

Day of Prayer and Fasting 2020-04-04 Social Media Image

STUDENT AID REQUEST DEADLINE – The deadline to submit student aid applications is MONDAY, JUNE 15, AT NOON. Please email the church office at to request an application. Student Aid Forms must be completed every year.

The forms are also available on the church website (under CONTACT tab) or right here: Non Constituent Application 2020-2021, for Academy (1) Student Assistance Guidelines and Application 2020-2021 (1)

Be Still

438716547_191798MESSAGE. The Ooltewah Adventist church will be open for both services this Sabbath, March 14. Church leadership takes the spread of Coronavirus very seriously. We do not want to subject our church members to additional risk of getting infected. Therefore we strongly advise against coming to church if you feel sick or have flu symptoms. Those who come are invited to refrain from hugging or shaking hands. Smiling and waving to each other is a great way of showing your friendliness and hospitality. The cleaning crew will do extra cleaning of all surfaces, bathrooms, pews, door knobs, etc. YouTube and Facebook streaming will be used for both services. If you prefer to stay at home and do not know how to watch our services on your home devices, please email one of the pastors for instructions. If you choose to participate in worship services via online streaming please remember to use the web based giving option. To access the online/virtual tithe and offering envelope go to our church website and click on the ONLINE GIVING link. The Church Fellowship meal for March 21 is cancelled. The Church Yard Sale is cancelled as well. All other church program and event cancellations will be posted on the church website calendar. We believe these are temporary measures. God is in control. We encourage you to pray for our community, our nation, and this world.



FEED MY STARVING CHILDREN EVENT CANCELATION. Here is the message from the Event coordinators:

“It is with a very heavy heart, that after much consideration, we regret to inform you that The Ooltewah Community MobilePack event is being postponed to a future date. The decision is based solely on the safety of our volunteers, staff, and the food itself. The situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) is fast evolving with daily announcements about the spread of the virus and we do not want to put anyone at risk. We do not make this decision lightly as we recognize how important these meals are for children all over the world.

If you were contacted by your Group Leader earlier today that the event was still happening, please be aware that this event is now postponed. If there are people in your group whose emails are not in the registration system please let them know of this postponement. We look forward to serving together with you as a community at a later date!”

Bible Studies Training event. On Sabbath afternoon, February 29, Michelle Doucoumes, SAU Business Professor, conducted a two hour Bible Instructor training, following a delicious meal of lasagna provided by the church. Michelle helped start the SALT program several years ago, and served as the first SALT program coordinator, filling that position for three years. Her program centered on how instructors could make Bible studies interesting and relevant for students and keep them excited about studying each week. The seminar was attended by over 30 participants and many positive comments were made. Many are eagerly looking forward to the next seminar on March 28, which will deal with how to gain decisions on Bible truths, and other topics as well. A mailing is in the process of going out to over 5,100 people in the vicinity of our church, inviting them to order free Bible study guides. It is our hope that the follow-up to these interest cards will result in a number of Bible studies starting in the homes around us, so that each of our teams will have an in-home Bible study. Please pray for the success of the follow-up, and pray for the March 28 training event as well.

HEALTH MINISTRY had an excellent Cooking Class program last Sunday. Thank you all who worked hard to make it happen. Here are a few photos from the event.

Church Business meeting. Last Saturday night the overwhelming majority of our church voted to start a Capital Fundraising Campaign towards the Church Expansion project. This is a major step into the future for our church. I pray that God continues to keep us united in ministry and in love. Please pray that God leads us to the goal that we agreed to reach by September of 2021.  When you contribute to this project please clearly mark you donation as “Church Expansion program.”

Cereal Barrel Ministry needs your support. As you enjoy your breakfast every morning please remember our friends from the community who cannot afford a simple meal for their family. We can all bring just one box of cereal and brighten the day for one of “God’s little ones.” Thank you, Julia, for your leadership in this ministry.


Evangelism. Our church believes in sharing the Gospel! Here is an update from the Barbosa family:

“This coming May both my wife Jaude and I will each be going on an evangelistic mission trip to two separate locations. Jaude will be going to Cajamarca, Peru and I will be going to Vineland, New Jersey. The trip to Peru is part of field school which is part of the Theology program at Southern and will be an amazing experience. The trip to New Jersey is not required for graduation, but it is special because it is the first of hopefully many evangelistic trips that will take place within the United States from Southern. We will be apart from each other for these trips and are not looking forward to that, but we are praying that the Lord will use us in a powerful way and for His glory. We would like to invite the church to join us in prayer and support so that we the other students can carry the saving message of Jesus Christ to these parts of the world.”

Jaime and Jaude will be partially sponsored by the Ooltewah Adventist Church!

Church Directory Make Up Photos
On Sabbath and Sunday March 21,22, and 28,29 (if needed.)
Hours will be from 1:30 – 4:30 pm.
An appointment is required. Sign up sheet will be available in the foyers today and next Sabbath.
Any questions please contact Mike Haughee 423-488-4848

With all the turmoil in the world around us let us show strong faith and unity.

Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Let this be a blessed Sabbath day for you.

Praying for you!

Pastor Peter


Sharing the Good News



“When a man is filled with the Word of God you cannot keep him still, If a man has got the Word, he must speak or die.”  – Dwight L. Moody
This Sabbath morning I am starting a new short series of sermons titled “Our Mission.” The first message is “Sharing the Good News.”



IMG_1492 2Pathfinders. “This past weekend, regardless of the cold weather and snowfall Friday morning the Timberwolves enjoyed an eventful camping trip to Gee Creek where they spent much time hanging out around the campfire and climbing trees at the campsite. Worships involved singing songs accompanied by guitars and thoughts of how God helps us move mountains and highlighted some of the ways in which Jesus relates to us. We also enjoyed delicious food and hot drinks. Sabbath afternoon we hiked  to a waterfall where we ate our sack lunches and dreamed of jumping in the frigid water.
Thanks so much to all the staff who tirelessly sacrifice for the sake of our kids!! Thanks to the parents who allow us to take your kids on these life-changing adventures!! And thanks to the kids for being willing to go the distance!!” David Reynolds, Pathfinder Director

IMG-4202On March 3, Super Tuesday, more than 1,100 election workers and residents visited our church to vote, and for many, this was the first time at our church. They were greeted with free water, granola bars, and Little Debbies, and they were so appreciative.

This is one of the many ways our church supports our community. It does not take much to leave a lasting impression. Sometimes it just takes a smile or a kind word to leave a positive impact.

Stewardship: The job of supervising or taking care of something, such as an organization or property.


tn-feed-my-starving-childrenVolunteer Spots Still Available for Global Service Project. Thank you for signing up to help with “Feed My Starving Children,” a March 14 mission event where our church will help other local churches pack more than 100,000 meals of rice, soy, and vitamins to send overseas. Two of our three time slots for the day still have volunteer spots available: 12-2 pm (3 slots), and 2:30-4:30 pm (17 slots). We would love to have your help with this fun, fulfilling work. Bring your family, friends, co-workers, or neighbors! Email project organizer Lucas Patterson with your questions or to sign up.  You can also sign up via the Community Services page on our church website. Click here.

Health Ministry team is actively preparing for a big program this Sunday. Go to their web page to register or to learn more about the upcoming events. Click here. 

Photo10Light of Hope team is preparing for a major evangelistic effort in Eastern Ukraine. Ten evangelists and four medical professionals will join me for this trip. We will be holding eighteen meetings simultaneously in eight different cities. Three mobile clinics will be rotating between these eight cities. Two evangelists are from our own church – Anita Shelton and Greg Leavitt! Other pastors are Chris Anderson, Rick Greve, Kevin Pires, Daniel Romanov, Sergio Freeman, Mikhail Skripkar and Daniel Reband. All churches in Ukraine are actively preparing for the meetings. They need our prayers and support. The GCC contributed $21,000 toward these meetings. Praise God for their support. An additional $16,000 is needed; not counting the travel expenses for the evangelists. If you are willing to contribute to this mission you may use the tithe envelope or the online AdventistGiving page. Please mark your donation for the Light of Hope.

PRAYERS. Please pray for God’s guidance to be given to our church regarding the new addition. I encourage everyone to attend the meeting. This way we will all participate in making this important decision.

Karen Boles had surgery on Tuesday morning. She is in recovery and needs our prayers.

Mike Haughee had a CT scan on Thursday. Praying for the “all clean” results!

Happy Sabbath. See you tomorrow.
