Praying for God’s Power

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I’ve seen communism collapse. I’ve seen thousands baptized in one day. I’ve seen alcoholics become evangelists … All by the power of God. Nothing can stand against that power; no virus, no political chaos, no social divide. Stop fighting with your own weapon. Everything will be different if we start praying for the power of God.

This Sabbath morning I continue the “Seven Prayers” series. Pray with me in person or online.


The last Sabbath of July was packed with wonderful events. Katie Rose got baptized during the first service. Many friends of the Rose family came to celebrate this exciting event in Katie’s life. It was great to have pastor Na’a, pastor Mike Pettingill, and pastor Matthew Shallenberger participate in the service.

That same Sabbath afternoon the Young family came to celebrate Karina Young’s baptism. It was a very special moment in the circle of close friends and family.

Two hours after that there was another baptism at Harrison Bay. Joshua Harrison (Rita Roger’s grandson) celebrated his new beginning with the Lord.

Work Bee Sunday was busy with tons of wonderful workers cleaning windows and painting classrooms and mulching the playground. Thank you to all who sacrificed to help get OAKS off to a grand start!

At the Monday night Church Board meeting we acted on several big items.

First, an unprecedented number of adventist academy students from our church presented a serious financial challenge. We certainly want every student to be supported in their Christian education opportunity. The Board unanimously voted to start a Fundraising campaign with the goal of raising $50,000 asap. If you are passionate about Christian education please contribute to this emergency need. All contributions to this fund need to be marked as “Young Disciples Fund”.

Second, the Board voted on the new Sabbath School Superintendent candidate. Connie Reynolds is being asked to serve in this position. Her nomination will need to be approved by the church vote.

Third, Kevin Hicks was asked to serve as the OAKS Board chairman. This nomination also needs to be approved by the church vote.

This Sabbath night, right after sunset our church will be helping at the Samaritan Center. Last month we had a great number of volunteers who were over 55. I hope this time we’ll have a different group of helpers. I am appealing to the parents of high school age children. Let’s make this a community ministry opportunity for our kids. I’ll personally bring ice cream for all the kids and their parents who will come to help. Ice cream by the Samaritan Center deck will start at 8:45 pm. Our mission is to preach the gospel; often actions can preach louder than words. I pray I see many of our church youth there tomorrow night.



Pastor Matthew is working with Carleen Zalabak and a crew of other families on a virtual VBS program. They are recording a whole series of videos which will soon be available for the children of our church. On the photo are Thomas Turk, Luke Clubb, and Anaya Parker. They’re our cast for the drama scenes. Please pray about this project. We love our kids!


PRAYERS. Last Sabbath night Judson Jamieson rested in the Lord. Praise for his wife Donna Jamieson and the family. The Memorial service is scheduled for August 8 at 4 pm with visitation starting at 3:30 PM

Prayers for Barbara Smith, who lost her brother and sister in law. The service will take place at the Apison SDA church also on August 8 at 3 pm.

Prayers are requested for Betty Jones who unexpectedly lost her son Stacey (51 years old).

Prayers are needed for Bruce Vogt, Cynthia Weitzel’s dad who had a heart attack. Bruce is at Memorial hospital.


I hope you’ll not miss Dinner with the Doctor, an online event happening this Monday. You’ll need to register if you are interested in participating. All details are in the flyer below:


Online giving. Here is the link.

Church weekly bulletin. Here is the link.

Happy Sabbath! See you tomorrow.

pastor Peter

Praying for Healing



This Sabbath I am starting a new sermon series: “Seven Prayers”. The first sermon is about our need to pray for healing. Our nation is wounded and bleeding. Our churches are crippled by the Pandemic. Political and social tension pulls us apart.  It is time for us all to get united in prayers for healing. “Pray for one another, that you may be healed” James 5:16


On July 11 we celebrated a beautiful baptism at Harrison Bay. Kayla Coon joined our church after completing a full course of Bible studies. Cindy Young shared with me the following sweet story: “Back when Kayla was in kindergarten the pastor gave the name of each student to a church member who wanted to be a prayer partner for a student.
Sharon McKee was given Kayla’s name. She began praying for her then, and has never stopped. She has been there for each milestone in Kayla’s life … quietly being involved, and always praying. When Kayla texted her inviting her to come to her baptism, she wrote back that she had tears of joy. The power of unceasing prayer!”

Tomorrow, during the first worship service we’ll celebrate Katie Rose’s baptism. Karina Young will also be baptized tomorrow, but @ 2 pm. Praise God for every decision!

The Conference Pathfinder/Children’s Ministry Dept under the leadership of pastor Fernando Verduzco has been staying busy with their EPIC Summer online honors. These virtual events are being broadcasted from our church. Here are a few photos from the “Pin Trading” honor taught by Cory Goss and Mike Haughee.

We need your help to get OAKS ready to welcome back our students in August! Please plan to join us for the annual OAKS Work Bee on Sunday, July 26 from 8:00-12:00. Socially-distanced jobs are available for anyone who prefers it. Those who are working in close proximity to others should bring a mask.
If you are able to attend, please consider filling out this RSVP form so we know who to expect:


PRAYERS. Please continue to pray for the Pandemic to stop; for those who were diagnosed with COVID19, for those who are in the hospital and for our healthcare workers.

Howard Kennedy is facing health concerns. Currently at Parkridge hospital.

Ellie Penagos is battling cancer. Currently at Erlanger East.

Darlene Turner is recovering after her surgery.

Judson Jamieson is in weak health.

Betty Chastain needs help with pain management.


Online giving: click here

Digital weekly bulletin: click here


Last week Galina and I flew to Oregon to help our daughter Dasha, her husband Kevin and their one-year-old baby Mila with their move from Atlanta to their new home in Eugene. Our week of vacation was full of diverse activities: helping a one-year-old with three flights and two long layovers, unloading and carrying boxes and furniture, replacing faucets, installing safety gates at the bottom and the top of the stairs, driving to the foggy, rocky but breathtakingly beautiful ocean shore, cooking perogies, sleeping on the floor next to an open sliding door and enjoying the cool 50F temperature outside at night (hoping nobody will accidentally roam in from the apartment complex). Overall, it was an absolutely wonderful experience. Here are a few photos from our trip:

Happy Sabbath! See you tomorrow morning.

Pastor Peter

The Aroma of Christ



If our good words are not proved and supported by our actions they discredit the message. Paul reminds us that we are expected to be the sweet aroma of Christ’s spirit. My life and my actions can bring life or death to those around me. Draw people to Life by your sincere Love. (2 Cor 2:15-16)


July 4th Sabbath was not limited to two worship services. At 8 PM about 35 people came back to sing and to play musical instruments. COVID 19 awareness kept the group outside. Chairs were spread apart on the church parking lot. Everyone felt safe and happy. Thank you, Ron, for your passion for Singspirations!

After the Singspiration a large group of our members came to help at the Samaritan Center. We started at 9:30 PM. Fireworks were lighting up the sky as volunteers were carrying heavy furniture items, bags with clothing and  massive fifty-year-old TV sets 😉 inside the warehouse. It was hot and humid but with that many hands the work was finished by 11 PM. Everyone felt tired, but happy that we could help our community. This is how we prove that July 4th is about love for those people who live next to us. I feel bad I did not take any photos. By the end of the project Galina spotted an old chest in the pile designated as “trash”. With the permission of the person-in-charge she pulled it out, loaded it into my tiny Z350 trunk and triumphantly brought it home! It may take a few years to clean it from all the rust and mold, but she believes it is worth it! Meanwhile, every time I open the garage door, the moldy smell of the old chest reminds me of the fun night at the Samaritan Center with our caring and hard working church. Thank you, volunteers!

Early Monday morning our church was not sleeping, but was engaged in making sack-lunches for the homeless in Chattanooga. Praise God for all who came. Here are a couple of photos from that morning. This ministry will continue for the next three months. I encourage you to speak to Lucas Patterson about participating in this wonderful service to our community.

It is hard to keep the Juniors SS class apart. Every week they come to the church parking lot and hang out with their friends. A parking lot is certainly not the ideal place for any socializing when it is 90 F outside. This week, however, they had a better idea. They came to the swimming pool in our neighborhood! With pizza and watermelon the day proved to be great.


Youth SS class will have two options tomorrow morning. Pastor Matthew will teach the class online via ZOOM. I’ll study with those who choose to come in person. The plan is to have as many of our youth participate as possible. Please, pray for our youth! It is hard for them to cope with life being “quarantined” from theor friends and classmates.

Also, Pastor Verduzco is having a live stream program for our young people called “Epic Summer” beginning tomorrow. These programs will be at 3:00 p.m. on the GCC Children/Junior Youth Ministries Facebook page for 3 Sabbaths. I hope our young people can take advantage of this special program designed just for them. However, the page is open for anyone who is young at heart!

Last Sabbath during the children’s story, paper was handed out so that our children could draw what they thought Heaven would be like and bring it back the following Sabbath. There is still plenty of paper left by the fellowship hall’s lobby and we would like to encourage anyone including adults to pick one up and let your imagination lose! We want to display these drawings all over church so we all can enjoy each other’s  creativity and think of God’s wonderful promises.  Jaime & Jaude Barboza

Prayer time for OAKS. On Wednesday July 15 at 6:15 pm please join us at the school for a special prayer time. All are welcome to come and pray for our students, teachers and staff. Masks and social distancing will be observed.

BAPTISM. There will be a baptism on the lake tomorrow at 2 pm. Kayla Coon (a former OAKS graduate) will be baptized at Harrison Bay. I am super glad that Kayla made this important decision after she completed her Bible studies. Many of Kayla’s family members will join this celebration.


Please continue to pray earnestly for the Lord to stop COVID 19 from spreading. We need a miracle! Please pray for one another as we continue to worship in person. We want everyone to feel safe coming to our church. Wearing a mask is a sign of our caring spirit.

Judson Jamieson was taken to Erlanger for heart failure. Prayers for Judson please.

Richard Johnson had to have an emergency surgery late last night. He is recovering well. Prayers for Richard.

Please uplift in your prayers Howard Kennedy.

Prayers for Mike Haughee. He has several medical procedures scheduled in the next few days.

Praying for Darlene Turner. She is scheduled for surgery on Friday morning.

CHURCH BLUEBERRY GARDEN is absolutely beautiful. Connie Jones is doing a superb job in keeping that garden in perfect shape. The proceeds from the picked blueberries go to support the Student Aid Fund. How sweet 🙂 in all senses of this ministry. Our granddaughter Mila loved the blueberries and was happy to support OAKS 🙂



Online weekly bulletin: click here

Online giving: click here

Women’s Sabbath School class is meeting in the Early Teens classroom until the children return back to church.

Online Sabbath school classes: 

Leaders: Mike & Sharon Harrell

To be part of an exciting and energetic 1-hour discussion of the current Quarterly Sabbath School lesson, sign onto Zoom at 10:30 on Sabbath mornings. Mike Harrell facilitates the discussion. Everyone is given the opportunity to participate if you would like, or to listen silently if that is your preference.  Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 8150 6419
To Join by Phone: 929 436 2866   
Meeting ID: 863 8150 6419 Wait for prompt, then enter the # key (no password required) *6 to mute or unmute.

Friendship class

Leaders: Mike Haughee, Edwin Reynolds, Barry Tryon, David Hartman

Topic: Friendship class Sabbath School
Time: Jun 13, 2020 10:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Sat, until Jul 4, 2020, 4 occurrence(s)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 764 9985 5133
Password: heidi0824


Living in Victory


It is easy to concentrate on the problems and on the dark side of our daily life. Our eyes see the faults, our ears tuned to harsh words. We lose sight of the blessings. Our hearts sink in despair. Let this weekend be the turning point in the way we live and relate to the reality around us. This is still God’s world. I see His goodness in kind smiles of people who I meet daily at church, at gas stations, or at grocery stores. I see God’s grace in the selfless acts of our young and elderly church members who help the needy, feed the hungry, pray with the discouraged. I see God’s power in providing us with the freedom to pray, to read the Bible and to share the Good News of salvation. This July 4th let’s speak of God’s love, share His grace, celebrate His faithfulness to all of His daughters and sons! Happy 4th of July!


This week the Cradle Roll class kids received a sweet gift from their teacher Becky Denton. Not being able to meet in person is not keeping Becky away from her precious students. She found a way to enter into their homes through recorded videos. These video lessons help the kids to sing, to study and to pray with their teacher. Parents can access these recordings through the church website. Here is the link.

Several of the Primary SS class students met with their teacher Cory Goss last Sabbath morning. Cory is experimenting with a hybrid class where “in-person” and Zoom options are being offered to the members of his class.

It was nice to see the Juniors SS class children working on the church landscaping (Sarah and Katherine). Thank you, young ladies! Later that same day several other kids from that class were playing together and enjoying ice cream 🙂

Samaritan Center needs our help this Sabbath after the sunset. Yes, I am aware of the fact that this will be the 4th of July 🙂 However, if we have good participation we can move everything inside the warehouse in less than an hour. If you plan of helping, please text or email me. We’ll count you in! Thank you in advance!

This Sabbath we’ll have a Special Patriotic feature with Larry Otto leading in singing a few of our favorite hymns. If you join the service online don’t hesitate to sing along :-). We’ll have two services, 9 AM and 11:30 AM. The early service will be streamed live. The recording of the service will be available on the church website and the YouTube channel.

Sabbath school study from the Fellowship Hall will be streamed at 10:20. The link will be updated as soon as the class meets after the first service.


Howard Kennedy is in the hospital after another fall. Prayers please.

Please, continue to pray for our community. The number of new COVID 19 cases in Tennessee is growing significantly. Follow the safety guidelines. Stay healthy; pray for one another.


Online weekly bulletin: click here

Online giving: click here

Women’s Sabbath School class has started meeting in the Early Teens classroom until the children return back to church.

Online Sabbath school classes: 

Leaders: Mike & Sharon Harrell

To be part of an exciting and energetic 1-hour discussion of the current Quarterly Sabbath School lesson, sign onto Zoom at 10:30 on Sabbath mornings. Mike Harrell facilitates the discussion. Everyone is given the opportunity to participate if you would like, or to listen silently if that is your preference.  Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 863 8150 6419
To Join by Phone: 929 436 2866   
Meeting ID: 863 8150 6419 Wait for prompt, then enter the # key (no password required) *6 to mute or unmute.

Friendship class

Leaders: Mike Haughee, Edwin Reynolds, Barry Tryon, David Hartman

Topic: Friendship class Sabbath School
Time: Jun 13, 2020 10:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Every week on Sat, until Jul 4, 2020, 4 occurrence(s)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 764 9985 5133
Password: heidi0824

Happy 4th of July! Happy Sabbath!
